The End of 5 Terrible Years

Sadly the idea of a leader trying to improve the lot of those he/she leads rarely applies in politics. And so it was with ‘what’s in it for me’ 689 who’s naked pursuit of $elf-intere$t is perhaps only exceeded by 54’s.

Thankfully, though it seemed far longer, the 5 years of 689 are over. A ‘fuck-off and don’t come back’ drink, accompanied by a lone piper for the departure countdown, was held at Tamar Park.

Hong’s Kong’s stunning skyline a reminder that whatever incompetent leaders Beijing imposes on Hong Kong. We will survive, for we are HongKongers!

Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 2017-18 Season

This week the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra published it’s concert schedule for the 2017-18 season.

Sadly the leaders of the widely respected and hard working orchestra continue to venerate CY Leung, a man who has openly derided musicians, with the title Honorary Patron.

As such bc magazine will continue to actively not write about the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra while he remains in that position.

We eagerly look forward to the day 689 is gone. Although we have no great expectations of Carrie Lam, she will be given the chance to show if she respects and has the best intentions for all HongKongers.

Not just those with private drivers who don’t know how to use the MTR! Or will she, after her ‘gift’ of $3.5billion to Beijing, keep her lips firmly on their rectum and allow them to rob Hong Kong blind to fund their massive vanity construction projects.

Editorial: Court of Appeal Reject Oath Appeal

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Today the Court of Appeal rejected the appeal of Yau Wai Ching, Sixtus Leung Chung Hang, and The President of The Legislative Council over their oath taking disqualification. The reasons are steeped in legalise but essentially amount to the fact that Legco and the HK courts are subservient to the Basic Law and that China can change and amend the Basic Law whenever and however it wants.

And that any amendments are how the law should have been read since it came into being on the 1 July, 1997. Thus if China ‘interprets’ the Basic Law and says that, for example, the HK Bauhinia flag is green, even though we can all see its red. Then the flag is green! And anyone who says otherwise can and will be sent to jail even if they said the flag was red in 1998 years before the new interpretation existed.

Given the judge’s very precise interpretation and reliance on the new wording of Article 104 then strictly speaking since 689 omitted the words Hong Kong from his oath then he should be also be removed from office (and have to hand back all the money given to him as he threw the vast majority of HongKongers under the bus). It won’t happen of course, there’s one rule for the entitled, rich and connected and another for everyone else.

The question is will the Court of Final Appeal (CoFA) stand up for the people of Hong Kong, who it must be pointed out freely chose and elected Yau Wai Ching and Sixtus Leung Chung Hang to represent them, and affirm that the laws of Hong Kong are worth the paper they are written on or do we live in the dictatorship that exists north of the border where ‘the law’ changes according to the daily whim and benefit of the Chinese Communist Party.

It’s unlikely as it would mean the CoFA having to make a ruling on the Basic Law and having to decide whether China can amend (and make no mistake this ‘interpretation’ is an amendment) and make the amendment retrospective (as the Court ruled regarding ‘interpretations’ in 1999), whenever they want. Much as I respect the members of the CoFA I doubt they are willing to do that.

As I’ve said before, for those HongKongers who love China so much, you’re free to move there. Just remember that anyone who gets rich in China moves their money out of China as quickly as possible, chooses to educate their children in England, USA or Hong Kong and goes to medical clinics overseas whenever they can. If the China the CCP supporting Chinese have created is so wonderful, why are they so keen to leave?

New Year’s Day White Elephant March

Thousands of individuals and groups marched on New Year’s Day to protest the squandering of Hong Kong’s financial reserves on white elephant and vanity projects that fill the 1%’s bank accounts while doing little or nothing to improve the quality of life for rank and file HongKongers.
Click on any image for the full gallery.

Police Selectively Turning Their Back on Crime?

dancing aunties money

These days, it is almost a cliche to describe the Hong Kong Police as turning their backs on crime to fulfil political, guard duties for CY Leung’s government. But that’s what they were doing last night on Sai Yeung Choi Street.

The back story to what now takes place almost every Saturday, Sunday and public holiday evening in Mongkok looks like this. A group of ‘aunties’ supported by a motley crew of late, middle-aged men congregate to sing and dance to Mainland songs. Regular patrons of Sai Yeung Choi Street have various problems with this newly introduced behaviour.

Firstly, these groups take over the whole street with their dancing and extremely loud music, and if anyone dares to challenge them to turn it down, then they are met with hostile reactions. This kind of behaviour is exasperated when you speak to local musicians who have been playing in Sai Yeung Choi for years.

I have been speaking with these musicians, and they all said that they feel marginalised by the introduction of the Mainland dancing aunties onto the Street. They told me, “those aunties complain that our music is too loud, and the authorities make us turn ours down. But when we complain about their loud music or aggressive behaviour nothing happens, the authorities turn a blind eye.” All of the local musicians lamented that it appears the aunties have the protection of some powerful people and so act with aggressive impunity towards anyone who dares to challenge them. Many were in agreement that there seems to be a concerted effort to introduce this reddest of red communist past time to Hong Kong streets, regardless of the consequences for the local culture. So, while the local artists find themselves being pushed back, the revolutionary aunties and their admirers have expanded.

That was until the Localist groups took an interest in the musician’s plight. With an ability to regularly mobilise 2-300 protesters at any time, Localist groups now have a proven track record of being able to capture the media attention on any topic of their choosing. They revealed to the world the long-suffering difficulties of local communities overrun with swarms of smugglers and the stark contradictions in the government’s policies on street hawkers. The dancing aunties have now become another hotly debated topic that most people know almost nothing about.


For the Localists, the dancing aunties are an alien, cultural invasion that degrades local identity and introduces an unwelcome glorification of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) into Hong Kong. On top of this and most importantly, what the aunties are doing is illegal. The agreed format for performers on Sai Yeung Choi Street is that space is allotted upon a first come first serve basis. Anyone can perform, but without a license it is illegal to take money from the public. The dark principle behind the aunty’s shows is that the ladies in attendance sing and dance for money, which they receive via red-packets. It’s a form of ‘soft-prostitution’, as the aunties let the men ‘get close’ and they receive hard cash as a reward. The tone and the vibe of the songs may be politically supportive of the Mainland and CCP. But, in essence, this is a monetary transactional relationship, heavily tainted with sexual undertones, taking place on a street allocated for performers. Making it illegal.

To be clear, offering any form of sexual favours on a one-tone basis is not illegal in Hong Kong, but when there is more than one girl involved in the process, then it is. The loop-hole behind this is that there are many single-girl-brothels all over the territory, or when you go to Wanchai, you don’t pay for girls, you pay for expensive drinks. On Sai Yeung Choi Street what is flirting with illegality is bringing groups of dancing, singing-girls together to exchange money for sexually charged encounters. Let’s be clear, no one is having sex on the street, but the men are paying, and the aunty’s are letting them have a feel while dancing. It is undeniably a sexual transaction.

There are many investigative reports on these encounters where old men openly admit spending all of their money on the ‘pretty girls.’ (side note, these women are not pretty). In one such investigation, a video shows singers receiving numerous red-packets from men in Tuen Mun. This accusation of accepting cash for sexual favours and breaking laws covering prostitution is in reality hard to pin unequivocally upon the aunties. But what is clear is that they are taking the money while performing on the street, this is fact and is unquestionably breaking the law. (See pics of tweets of the girls accepting money).

Citizens have filed complaints about this practice. But rather than mobilize the FEHD to investigate, the Mongkok police have instead mobilised its PTU to ensure whatever the aunties are doing, illegal or not, continues unfettered. Presumably under some mistaken notion of protecting freedom of expression and the right to assembly.
So the question arises, in a city where a man fixing people’s bikes for free and taking $10 to cover the cost of parts can be hauled up in front of the magistrate for illegal hawking. Why are the FEHD not investigating and police turning their backs while aunties receive hundreds of dollars a night for offering old men soft-prostitution services on the street in plain sight?

The obvious retorts to this question are that the police are not aware of what is going on. However, this hear-no-evil, see-no-evil approach to law enforcement simply doesn’t hold up in reality. On Sunday night, HK Frontline Media easily took photographs of the aunties receiving payment while a horde of police stood just one metre away.
In plain sight money was changing hands while the police focused all of their attention on the much-vilified Localists who were, in fact, not breaking any laws by being there. If the police turned just one of their cameras on the aunties, they would quickly capture the illegal behaviour everyone is complaining about and just like the friendly bike-mender they would be up in front of a magistrate.

You may then argue, well it isn’t the responsibility of the police to micro manage street performers, this is the job of the FEHD. Yet, I have also witnessed the police closing down would-be buskers within minutes because they tried to collect money. So the police are not blind to what’s happening on Sai Yeung Choi Street. Instead, the only conclusion one can make is they are selectively enforcing the law depending upon who is in favour. Someone up on high has dictated that the aunties are patriotic and therefore they will stay! Regardless of how many police need to be mobilised to protect them and how much evidence there is to show them repeatedly breaking the laws covering street performance.

With the police only motivated to throw more PTU at the street performer’s impasse and the FEHD nowhere to be seen, what may you ask are the Localists plans for the aunties? Their strategy is very succinct. For them, the anti-aunty campaign is a low-cost, economic attack upon the aunties, with the broader goal of keeping the topic of Mailandisation of Hong Kong in the media. Between the groups, the cost of the protests is low. They expend little effort either in manpower or risking arrests, yet eventually they believe they can financially cripple the aunties money channels. The aunties will stop singing on Sai Yeung Choi Street if they don’t get paid, and the old men will stop paying if they don’t get to dance and sexually embrace the aunties. Every day the aunties don’t dance is a victory. The protests are a classic guerrilla tactic that closely mirrors such direct action groups like Sea Shepherd. Who know they can’t match the Japanese Whaling operation dollar for dollar, but they can block it at every turn, making it financially unviable to continue in the long term.

So, rather than being irrelevant bickering over music tastes, the aunty protests show us that Localist protests are not being driven by an irrational hatred of Mainlanders. Instead, they bring into sharp focus the favouring of a policy of Mainlandisation by CY Leung’s Government. The policy is chipping away at Hong Kong’s sophisticated, local culture and works only to the detriment of Hong Kong’s once proud police force and its impartial rule of law.

Happy 18th Birthday Hong Kong SAR

hong kong flag2

As the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region turns 18 never has it been so obvious and open how the pro-China sycophants are looking to destroy and undermine Hong Kong for their own self interests.

The lack of respect and disdain Chief Executive CY Leung has for Hongkongers (as opposed to Mainland Hong Kong residents) is obvious every time he opens his mouth and either insults HongKongers or sticks his tongue further up the Mainlands arse.

689’s latest show of pettiness and vindictiveness is to not invite the Legco members who voted against the fake universal suffrage bill last month to the Hong Kong 18th Anniversary flag raising ceremony.

Beijing what you fail to understand is that you have created the discontent and anti-China feeling here in Hong Kong by imposing on us completely incompetent Chief Executives who couldn’t run an orgy in a brothel.

What I fail to understand is why you want to turn Hong Kong into just another mainland city when so many members of the NPC have invested their personal money in Hong Kong purely because it’s not a Chinese city…

I know it goes against the basic CCP’s dictate of line your own pockets first and let everyone else fight over the scraps – but if you want to ease tensions here and in cities on the mainland you need to start looking after the people you claim to be representing. Pitting penniless peasants against each other so the CCP could stay in power worked well in the past. But HongKongers and many Mainlanders are educated and aware and not happy to suffer so corrupt government officials can enrich themselves.

In less than a year you’ve allowed CY to destroy the reputation of the Hong Kong Police and it’s relationship with HongKongers. Camera phones and the internet expose the lies the police tell. One video can be edited/cut to support your lies, but hundreds shot from different angles expose the truth – and that genie can never be forced back into it’s bottle.

So Xi Jinping, as an 18th Birthday present to HongKongers why not give 689 the boot and impose a leader with a brain and an understanding of how to return Hong Kong to its status as the World’s Greatest City. Why should you do that? Pure self interest – a thriving dynamic Hong Kong, drives Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other mainland cities to improve and become great. A neutered Hong Kong removes that incentive. There’s enough people and money around in China to have several great and unique megalopolis.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONG KONG Special Administrative Region!

Graphic: credit to the original artist

Vetoed 28 – 8!


The Beijing dictated ‘Motion Concerning the Amendment to the Method for the Selection of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’ a method of faux Universal Suffrage has been vetoed by the Hong Kong Legislature by 28 Votes to 8

The vote took place at 12:33 today far earlier than many expected after all the Legco members who wished to speak had done so and a vote was called for.

In a strategy based on the rule that at least 35 members have to present before a bill can be put to a vote, the Pro-Beijing Legco members walked out of the Chamber. If not enough members are present, the Chairman will ring the bell to ask for members to return to the hall. If there still is not enough people present after 15 minutes, the meeting will be adjourned.

However, not enough Pro Beijing members walked out and 36 Legco members remained, and the vote proceeded.

There’s long faces all around on the Pro-Beijing lawmakers, ironic really that they failed to vote on the reform measure because they didn’t understand the Democratic processes of the Legislature.

There was joyous celebrations inside and outside after the vote.

The reality is that the veto is but one step on the long road to where the people of Hong Kong can hold their Chief Executive accountable for his job performance. CY Leung has shown shown complete and utter contempt for anyone who can’t do something for him. This is not the attitude for a Chief Executive.