Umbrella Movement 13 October: Police remove barriers outside the Mandarin Hotel!i=3608161737&k=4WXWt9N!i=3608408233&k=FvZgfB9

At around 5:30am Police moved in large numbers to remove barricades at various places in Admiralty and Central. The police negotiator described it as recovering government property… without wanting to be picky, since we HongKongers paid for it with our taxes isn’t it ‘our’ property. Regular police equipped riot shields, batons, helmets and gas masks provided a cordon for the members of the Police Tactical Unit – wear blue fatigues, instead of the more military green – who removed the makeshift roadblocks that had been in place for over two weeks.

The limited removals at first glance seem to do nothing for traffic movement other than allow guests of the Mandarin to arrive by taxi instead of having to walk a few feet – certainly worth the effort of a thousand uniformed police and numerous plain clothed officers!!i=3608141110&k=xh2BSr2!i=3608133157&k=cZMgnxL

Click on the photos to see more!i=3608175308&k=Fkp8Ndt!i=3608372535&k=xFjNZTv!i=3608130158&k=CL64LmD

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