【話你戇鳩怕你嬲】無篩選版 – David Cheang

An alternate perspective from David Cheang
歌曲 : David Cheang (多謝你)

酒吧中 聽你跟我呻
你話佔中班友 喺度攪乜撚
阻鳩住做生意 車都冇撚得搭喇喂
快啲 拉鳩哂佢地
我問你 你有冇到過現場
(佢話) 我日日睇TVB 由朝睇到晚呀
(你睇啲學生吖) 攪鳩亂個香港 警察都好撚慘
快啲 拉鳩哂佢地

[CHORUS] (我心諗吖真係) 朋友你太戇鳩
朋友 我好撚難受
朋友 你太戇鳩
望住你 唔知你要食幾多先會夠[CHORUS]

你咪同我講 有正有反好平常啫
喂 但係依家係良知同暴力打緊仗
你沒有信念 請行埋一邊


呢個世界 太多柒頭
香港 點撚得救
朋友 戇你個鳩
望住你 我怕你食幾多都唔夠
望住你 我怕你食幾多屎

Rough English translation of the lyrics
Sitting in the bar, listening to you complain.
You ask, what the fuck are these students doing?
Blocking us doing fucking business.
Can’t even catch the dick bus.
Just fucking arrest them all
I ask if you have ever been there in person.
You say you watch TVB all day and night.
You say look at those students messing up Hong Kong.
Fuck, look at those poor suffering police.
Just fucking arrest them all.
In my heart I think, ‘My friend, you’re so fucking stupid
but I am afraid if I tell you, you would get angry.
But really, your bullshit pollutes the earth.’
My friend your crap makes me feel bad.
But if I say it, I won’t be able to take it back.
Can eating shit save you?
But how much shit do you have to eat before you wake up?
You saying going back and forth is very normal.
That’s saying peace and violence are fighting a war.
If you don’t have belief please get out of the way.
You’re in the way of the day flower blooms.
My friend your crap makes me feel bad.
But if I say it I won’t be able to take it back.
Can eating shit change your mind?
But how much shit do you have to eat before you wake up?
With your thinking, how can Hong Kong will be saved?
I look at you, I am afraid no matter how much shit you eat.
It will never be enough.
Never enough.

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