Wanchai Belles


After 21 year it’s last orders at Delaney’s Wanchai and bc spoke to two of Wanchai’s loveliest ladies Clare and Jeanette, as well as David “No problem, i’ll fix it” the bar’s longest serving employee about their memories and experiences over that time.

Clare: I started in 1997 the same time as Jeanette as a waitress on the 2nd floor. I left in 1999 only to rejoin Delaney’s in 2003 as Duty Manager, I have been the GM for around 8 years.

Jeanette: What is there to say about my years in Delaney’s Wanchai? Although, I have only been back at the Wanchai branch for just over 4 years, the company has played a major role in my 18 years here in Hong Kong. From a waitress up on the second floor in 1997, progressing to Floor Head. I left to go to the original Dublin Jack, on Cochrane Street in March 1999.

David: I started in December 1997 as a bartender on the 2nd floor, it was a very busy bar when I started. How I’m the man who fixes things and keeps the bar running smoothly.

Is there a single night at Delaneys that stands out as your favourite night?
Clare: I think for me personally one of the highlights in my time at Delaneys was the Spurs Legends night ,this fell on my birthday so was an added bonus & was just something totally different to our normal nights!!
Jeanette: One evening that will always be remembered, for me personally, will be the night we had our “Meet The Barbarians Event”. That was a lot of fun, and a chance to meet some great rugby players. Although I am not a great fan of football, the Spurs Legends night was also fantastic. To see the bar packed to the rafters with such dedicated Spurs fans from all over the region was actually very emotional!
David: I’ve worked through 17th St.Paddy days and 17 Rugby 7’s here which was unforgettable.

Best moment/memory?
Clare: The other great nights that stick in mind are St Patrick’s Day each year with the Dargle band flying over from Ireland, & the Rugby 7’s weekends were always hard work but a lot of fun.
Jeanette: Highs? Rugby 7’s weekends are always fun, if not very hard work. St. Patrick’s Day always sticks in my mind, although I’m not sure that it has always been fun! As a rugby fan, the last world cup in 2011 was one of my most fun times.
David: My great nights was always on the weekends with all the footy and rugby games it’s hard to make every customer happy, but good when I can.

Worst moment/memory at Delaneys?
Clare: I think some of the worst nights I have had have been during the football World Cups especially when they have been at silly o clock times & people are at their worst & the hours we have worked have been incredibly long.
Jeanette: Lows? Any time that involves football! Ha Ha!
Gary: The worst times were the 2002 World Cup coz the kick-off time in HK (noon/day time) and when England are playing football, the doors are always shut 2 hours before kick-off and people get angry when we can’t let them in.

What will you miss most/least about Dalaneys Wanchai?
Clare: I think in the 12yrs I have been here the one thing I will miss are the amazing people I have worked with & all the customers that have gone on to become good friends over the years.
Jeanette: Things I will miss? The wonderful customers we have here, some of which I have known since the my early days here in 1997. Some are now close friends, and many hold a place in my heart.
Things I won’t miss? Wanchai. The area is changing, and I don’t think for the better.
David: I will miss all of the people I’ve met here, I’ve made so many friends.

What memories will you take away?
Clare: It has always been a family at Delaney’s Wanchai & that is one of the biggest things I will miss….although I am happy to leave the Wanchai area as that has gone downhill in my opinion over the past few years!
Jeanette: Delaney’s as a company are a very close knit bunch, from the Directors at the top down to all the front-of-house and back-of-house staff. We have been through some wonderful times together. We have laughed and cried, we have had our ups and downs, but we have always been together. I will take those memories away with me and hold them for ever close.
David: Working here for 18 years, Delaney’s is just like my 2nd home, a home has so many memories.

What next?
Clare: I am looking forward to a rest for a little while & then I will see what happens next!
Jeanette: I will be having a well earned rest, and taking a look at what I would like to do next. At the moment, no plans are in place so i’m open to interesting offers.
David: The next step, I will look for a new job. If they open a new Delaneys, I am happy to come back stick everything back together.

Delaney’s Wanchai shuts it’s doors for the final time on 13 August, should be a bit of a craic!

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