Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 2017-18 Season

This week the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra published it’s concert schedule for the 2017-18 season.

Sadly the leaders of the widely respected and hard working orchestra continue to venerate CY Leung, a man who has openly derided musicians, with the title Honorary Patron.

As such bc magazine will continue to actively not write about the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra while he remains in that position.

We eagerly look forward to the day 689 is gone. Although we have no great expectations of Carrie Lam, she will be given the chance to show if she respects and has the best intentions for all HongKongers.

Not just those with private drivers who don’t know how to use the MTR! Or will she, after her ‘gift’ of $3.5billion to Beijing, keep her lips firmly on their rectum and allow them to rob Hong Kong blind to fund their massive vanity construction projects.

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