There is Potential for Rain and Bad Weather Tomorrow…

Here are some more tips to avoid the worst of the weather at your personal picnic or yoga practice in Tamar Park – courtesy of Dave Coulson

Bring an umbrella, and extra water to stay hydrated as it will be hot and humid.

Pepper Spray: Do / Dont’s

DO wear latex gloves at all times. It is easier to change gloves than wash hands.

If you get sprayed DON’T wash your face or hair with water, it will just spread the chemical over a larger area of your body.

DO flush out your eyes with saline IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT WILL WORK, you need to open the eye lids and give the eyeball a good rinse.

DO use a paper towel to dab the face LIGHTLY and absorb the spray

DO wash your arms and hands with water

DON’T touch your face or take of clothes over your head, you will spread chemical back to your face.

DO suck it up, the effects wear off in about 15mins.

DO leave the area ASAP if the police are advancing or clearing an area they will not wait for you to give or receive treatment.

Say No to Extradition

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