Government Further Tightens Social Distancing Measures – 21 November

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Today the government updated the gazetted directions and specifications under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) to further tighten social distancing measures. The updated directions will take effect at 0.00am on November 22 and last for 5 days

The details of the updated tightening measures are as follows:

  1. Live performance and dancing must not be allowed in any catering premises (including bars or pubs) as well as clubs or nightclubs.
  2. Premises (commonly known as party rooms) that are maintained or intended to be maintained for hire for holding social gatherings must be closed.

Persons responsible for carrying on catering businesses and managers of scheduled premises that contravene the statutory requirements under Cap. 599F would have committed a criminal offence. Offenders are subject to a maximum fine of $50,000 and imprisonment for six months.

The full government press release can be read here.

Attached is a summary of the latest measures that relate to catering business and scheduled premises

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