Do Not Split Wins Norwegian Award

The Oscar-nominated documentary Do Not Split about the 2019 Anti Extradition protests has won Video Documentary of the Year in Norway and it’s director/cameraman Anders Hammer is Video Journalist of the Year.

The jury’s reasoning: In the documentary «Do not split», Anders Hammer takes us into the streets of Hong Kong and gives us a unique insight into the uprising against the authorities that unfolded in 2019. Through Hammer’s proximity to the sources, we get to feel on the body what it’s like to be young student in Hong Kong and be afraid of losing key human rights when new bills are to be passed. His brave and well-planned working methodology, as well as his excellent presence with a camera, is remarkable.

Unfolding across a year and filmed from within the heart of the 2019 protests, Anders Hammer’s Do Not Split captures the determination and sacrifices of the protesters, the government’s backlash, and the passage of the new National Security Law.

The film’s title is a reference to the Cantonese phrase 不割席 that roughly translates as “Do not split, do not divide, do not snitch on others.” The phrase emphasizes unity among the protesters, reminding Hongkongers in both the peaceful and more radical camps that they are fighting for the same cause.

Hammer commented “I tried to move in flow with the development in the demonstrations, which were very unpredictable. There were large and small demonstrations all the time, and the demonstrators rarely had an idea of ​​where the actions would end. Sometimes it was over before it had started because the police came and scared people away.”

“Then there could be street fights and long cat and mouse sessions,” Hammer added “There was a lot of evening and night work, and it was extremely unpredictable, but there was an insane energy among the protesters. It was incredibly fascinating to see.”

The documentary is largely divided into individual sequences, which show different parts of the protests. It follows several people, and much takes place in the center of the demonstrations.

“I have thought that the documentary will reflect and do what happened justice, at the same time as it gives a greater insight into the political and human” said Hammer.


The Oscars take place on 25 April.

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