Alternative Smoking Products Banned from 30 April, 2022

alternative smoking products ban 2022

The amended Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Cap 371) which prohibits the import, promotion, manufacture, sale and possession for commercial purposes of alternative smoking products (ASPs) takes effect from 30 April 2022.

“The ban covers electronic smoking products, heated tobacco products, herbal cigarettes, and their accessories. Starting this Saturday, Tobacco and Alcohol Control Inspectors will conduct inspections, investigate complaints and carry out enforcement actions accordingly,” said a spokesman for the Department of Health (DH). Offenders are subject to a maximum fine of $50,000 and imprisonment for six months.

According to the amended Ordinance, import of an ASP by way of parcels, cargoes or bringing in by incoming travellers is prohibited. Travellers bringing ASPs into Hong Kong, regardless of the quantity or whether they are for personal use, must declare them to the Customs and Excise Department.

electronic smoking products

The amendment also makes it an offence to smoke or carry an activated ASP in a statutory no-smoking area. Offenders will face a $1,500 fixed penalty notice.

The Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office (TACO) has published a pamphlet to assist the public, incoming travellers and traders in complying with the new legislative requirements.

If you wish to quit smoking you can call the DH’s Integrated Smoking Cessation Hotline on 1833 183 which offers professional counselling services on smoking cessation. Information on quitting smoking can also be obtained from

Vaping lung disease

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