When Dreams Fly They Become Realities

The Black Book Fair Hong Kong is the first local event that looks to embrace and explore the ideas and desires of anarchy.

The Fair offers artists and activists, zines and poetry, and a special appearance by radical thinker Stevphen Shukaitis. Enter with an open mind there is no one to tell you what you can or cannot do. Organiser Ahkok confesses he has “No idea how the police are gonna react.”

When interviewed in Still Loud about what anarchy means to him Ahkok replied “Anarchism to me is about two things: first, being against nationalism. Nationalism is the ugliest shit ever invented. Maybe it’s that I grew up as a musician, and we identify ourselves as punks, metalheads, shoegazers so on and so forth—never “I’m Chinese” or “I’m a Hong Konger”. That’s just fucking lame. The only reason why I’m a Hong Konger is that my mum gave birth to me in Hong Kong, that’s not even my choice, why should I be proud of something I have no control over? And as a species just how much stupid shit have we done because of nationalism?

So, [anarchism] is not only enduring, it’s also reviving.

Secondly, I would say anarchism is about trusting humanity. If you think that we are all selfish and evil from birth, then fuck it, we have to be governed. But if you think not, if selfishness and evil are socially conditioned, then perhaps you are an anarchist too. I agree historically and philosophically it’s from the west, especially from Spanish and French history, but humanity existed long before we invented the idea of government. I think anarchism is a cosmopolitan ideology in which we all experience a pre-government era.”

Here is the schedule for the three day event. Find out more at https://blackbookfairhongkong.wordpress.com

17 November

“The anarchy of music and spirituality: John Cage or Jack Rage”: Lenny
‘Living Book Store’ experience’ : AH Lin & Yiu Wah
A new spirit of colors via the ball: Reni Haymond
Uncle Hung: story telling as a way of ….

Deer-head-man Experimental arts group vidcast
Lenny & June: “A las Barricadas”/”Occupy”/”Politik Kills”
Vagabody Act piece

18 November

DJing of Libertarian Music
Art work display and reading and get-to-know-each-other time
Impromtu on site creations

Vagabody: “the body and the social”
Marco Chan:“Voice’s decade of cultural expereince”
Stevphen Shukaitis: Radical economy n Arts Collectives”
Victor Martinez Diaz: Mexican movement and its art
“LIGHT LOGISTICS: Reading in the Undercommons” : Elaine Ho

Poetry reading: Viki
Poetry reading: Uncle Hung
Poetry reading relay: Lenny

19 November

Djing of Libertarian Music
Art work display and reading and get-to-know-each-other time
Impromtu on site creations

Stevphen Shukaitis: Radical economy n Arts Collectives”
Marco Chan:“Voice’s decade of cultural expereince”
Michael Leung: “Solidarity Street”
Nakajima Masakazu: “Tokyo Struggles”
Royce Ng: “The King is Afar” documentary
Kaiser: the photo-documentation of Mongkok’s Lunar Roar
Nin: the So Boring experience

Music Performances:
Yank, Nelson & Sze, Wilson, Tomii, Fiona, Lenny & June,

Black Book Fair
Date: 17-19 November, 2017
Venue: Lecture Hall, VAC Centre, 7 Kennedy Road, Central, Hong Kong
Tickets: Free

Black Book Fair HK 2017

“When dreams fly they become realities” the Black Book Fair Hong Kong is the first of its kind that embraces all the colourful ideas and desires of anarchy.

Here is the schedule for the three day event. Find out more at by reading our article here

Black Book Fair
Date: 17-19 November, 2017
Venue: Lecture Hall, VAC Centre, 7 Kennedy Road, Central, Hong Kong
Tickets: Free