South Lantau Marine Park Draft Map Available for Public Inspection

To better protect the ‘pink’ dolphin and other marine habitats, the Government is proposing to create a South Lantau Marine Park (SLMP) in the waters surrounding the Soko Islands and between the Soko Islands and Shek Kwu Chau.

The draft map of the proposed 2,067 hectares SLMP has been prepared by the Country and Marine Parks Authority in accordance with the Marine Parks Ordinance (Cap. 476) and released for public inspection and comment within 60 days (28 Feb, 2021) of its 31 December 2020 publication. Details are available on the AFCD’s website:

The waters south of Lantau are important habitats for the Chinese white dolphin, the finless porpoise and other marine life. After the designation of the SLMP, the area of protected marine habitats will be significantly increased, which will be conducive to maintaining the marine biodiversity and its sustainability” said a spokesperson for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD).

A Core Area of about 145 hectares between the Soko Islands as shown pink hatched black on the proposed SLMP map will be demarcated for further conservation of marine and fisheries resources there. Fishing activities will not be permitted within the Core Area.  While artificial reefs will be deployed within the Core Area to provide shelter for marine life. 

Unfortunately, the released proposal contains no details or recommendations on how the SLMP will be protected and the fishing restrictions etc enforced.

“Any person who intends to oppose the draft map may, within the period of 60 days after the notice is published in the Gazette, submit a written statement of objection, stating the nature of and reasons for the objection, and proposed alterations to the draft map, if any, to the Authority at the headquarters of the AFCD,” the spokesman continued.